The decision to establish “The International College/Centre of Neohumanist Studies” was taken about two decades ago on January 2, 2004. Since then, many courses, seminars, workshops and other events have taken place every year. The events attract alumni of the Prashiksana Matha /CNS-Sweden and scholars & persons interested in Ananda Marga Gurukula and Neohumanist Philosophy from around the world.
The College/Centre is engaged to spread the neohumanist values and encourages progressive thinking in all domains of human thought. Prashiksana Matha (Yoga Monastery) was established in Ydrefors, Sweden in 1976. AMGK (Sweden) is grateful to all our supporters around the globe who have contributed to towards the development of CNS (Sweden) and its infrastructures. Recently, a new journal was floated titled: Neohumanist Review. Past issues can be viewed at:
Summer yoga intensives are held every year art Ydrefors. Coordinators: Mikael Soderstrom +46-76-4123255 or Dada +46-73-4127337.
The chronological record of events held by AMGK and its staff since 2004 (for the past two decades) till today is available as follows:
NHE Global Conference July 11-16th, 2025 in Sinaia, Romania. For more information, write to
March 6-8,2025 Den Bosch, Netherlands; Annual Teachers Training. Theme: Spirituality and Idealism
March 1st,2025 Release of the Neohumanist Review Issue #4.
January 5,2025 Mortal remains of late Svarupanandaji laid to rest in the “Sa’dhana’-Pit’ha Ka’nan” adjacent to Gurukula Headquarters campus. Svarupanandaji passed away on February 17, 2024 in Singapore. He lived and worked for Anandanagar for almost six decades. At the time of his passing , he was the Upakulapati of AMGK and Principal/Secretary of AMGK Teachers Training College at Anandanagar.
January 1st,2025 The foundation stone of an International Hostel was laid at 9am adjacent to Kulapati residence complex with in the Cakradhuri campus at Anandanagar. The project is being supervised by Ac. Premamayananda Avadhuta, Office Secretary of Gurukula.
Gurukula Network January 1,2025 edition
December 29,2024 Inauguration of Gurukula Headquarters (Cakradhuri Campus) Building at Gopal Anandanagar. A society building function attracted over 500 persons . A sumptuous feast was served on the occasion.
December 29, 2024 3 p.m. Gurukula Board Meeting at Cakradhuri.
December 15,2024. ETC (Education Training Camp) at Anandanagar. Dada Shambhushivananda gave an inaugural address and a class on India’s New Education Policy and Neohumanist Education.
December 7,2024 The 58th anniversary of Ananda Marga College was celebrated at the Rotunda Auditorium at Anandanagar. The Registrar of the Siddha Kano Birsa University was the Chief guest among a host of other celebrities. Dr Acharya Shambhushivananda was among the guests of Honor and delivered a key note address on the occasion. Prabhat Samgiita dances and songs enlivened the anniversary celebrations. A lunch was served to all participants.
November 28, 2024-January 8,2025 Anandanagar Gurukula Cakradhuri Campus and Chitmu School inspection. Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia course being planned at Cakradhuri.
October 26,2024 AMAYE Online Yoga & BioPsychology Conference hosted by Mahajyoti Glassman. Among presenters are Rutger Tamminga, Dr Shravan Hatley, Dr Steve landau, Ac. Krsnasevananda Avt. and Didi Ananda Sainjana.
October 20,2024 Webinar led by Dr. Shambhushivananda on “Neohumanist Perspectives on the Ethics for Educational Administrators” hosted by the Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education, Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand. 11.30am-2pm. Fortyfour Participants.
October 1-14th, 2024 Dr Shambhushivananda shares thoughts on Meditation and Spiritual Development. New Haven, Connecticut, USA .
September 27, 2024 Iceland Teachers and Parents Meeting. Dr Shambhushivananda leads a discussion on “Cultivating Neohumanist Values among young children”.
September 14,2024 Prabhat Samgiita Art and Music Competition was conducted by Omkareshvaranandaji, Principal of Fine Arts & Music College at Anandanagar Jagriti on behalf of AMGK. 30 students participated. Prizes were distributed to winners and food was provided to 300 participants. In Bangkok, Pamkaj from Spain met with Dada Shambhushivananda at GK Office, Rajaprarop Garden Condo, Soi Annop Narumit. Q and A session lasted for three hours.
September 7, 2024 Gurukula Foundation Day Message was delivered from Chancellor (Kulapati) and shared all over the world. A grand program was held at Gurukula Headquarters Cakradhuri Campus at Anandanagar attended by over 250 children and teachers. Cultural program, recitations by children and sumptuous meal were highlights. Didi Pushpainjali also graced the occasion.
September 4-5, Asia Pacific Futures Network Conference , Chulalongkorn University , Bangkok, Thailand . Dr Shambhushivananda invited to participate in the conference. Theme: Education for Activism ; Spirituality: Futurists Torchlight.
September 1, 2024 Neohumanist Review Issue #3 released and available at Bangkok Asia Pacific Futures Network 10th conference.
August 31,2024 Taichung , Taiwan Environmental Education Workshop. Dr Shambhushivananda addresses Gurukula Volunteers in Taiwan.
July 20-25,2024 Global PROUT Convention at Denmark. Dr Shambhushivananda delivered a key note address on the opening day and led a workshop on Infusing Ethics in Education. .
Midsummer Beginners retreat at Yoga monastery in Ydrefors. About 70 persons attended a five day event.It was led by Dada Sadananda and Didi Ananda Samprajina.
May 25-29th, 2024 ETC (Education Training Camp) at Anandanagar. Dr. Shambhushivananda was the Chief Guest at the inaugural ceremony and he explained the significance of ERAWS and Education Training Camps and emphasized the role of local full time workers in building a neohumanist education movement. He also gave a two hour class on the Relevance of Neohumanist Education today. He was assisted by five young students of his from Chitmu Village School- Aparna, Mamuni, Cinta’, Abhishek, and Bajrang.
May 23, 2024 Gurukula Network Issue #58 published and released on the auspicious Ananda Purnima day.
May 12, 2024 RU Symposium held in Bhubaneshvar, India and key note address given by Dr Acharya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta on “Education for the New Era”.
April 6-8, 2024 Singapore, AMIA Weekend led by Dada Shambhushivananda. NHE in SE Asia.
March 24, 2024 PROUT-History and Its Implementation by Dr Dada Shambhushivananda at AM Jagriti in Denpasar, Bali . Available via Zoom-link also.
March 23-24 Denpasar, Bali Inauguration of the Bali Public School. Dr Shambhushivananda will join many VIP guests on the occasion. Visit to the Wood Neohumanist school in Ubud area.
March 1,2024 Neohumanist Review (Journal) Issue #2 . Subscriptions available at:
February 18,2024 AMGK Governing Body meets to designate Dr.G.D.Sharma as the Vice President of AMGK (India) and to post Acarya Kalyanmitrananda as the Secretary of the AMGK Teachers Training College in place of late Svarupananda Avadhuta, who passed away in Singapore due to a sudden heart attack.
February 16-18,2024 Annual Teachers Training Workshop at Lotus Centre, Den Bosch, Netherlands.
February 2-9th, 2024 NERI Thailand , Bangkok, Thailand
January 20-28,2024 Rutger Tamminga leads a five days workshop on different aspects of Neohumanist Education (biopsychology of asanas, story telling, earth lovers family activities) at Delhi (Jan 29-30), Anandanagar (GK Cakradhuri Campus) (January 20-25) & at Neohumanist Centre in Chandigarh (January 27-28).
January 19-20,2024 AMGK gathering at Cakradhuri Campus, Anandanagar. Among those present shall be Rudramohan (Taiwan), Prabhakar (Norway), Radhaji (New Delhi), John Cavaliere (USA), Ashok Kopetzsky (Germany/Austria), Dada Premamayananda, Prajina Thakur, Shri Subhash Thakur, Dada Omkareshvarananda, Tapan (USA).
January 7, 2024 Online Class on “Insights from Anandanagar- a Global Master Unit” for Japanese students.
January 1,2024 Gurukula Network Biannual Newsletter 57th issue.
December 16, 2023 Education Training Camp (ETC) at Anandanagar. Class by Dada Shambhushivananda.
December 1,2023 Discussion on STUVOL book produced by Chitmu School Staff.
November 25,2023 Charity Dinner and Cultural Evening in Stockholm to support the Ghana Neohumanist School and Womens Welfare Project in India. Organized by Tara Öhman and her team. Dr. Shambhushivananda gave an introductory talk.
November 8-15,2023 Workshop on “Be Healthy, Be Happy” hosted by Proutist Universal, Malta. Dr. Shambhushivananda joined as a facilitator and led a session on Meditation and Healthy Life. Program supported by Erasmus-Plus of European Union. Participants included youth, primarily of 13-17 years old, from Slovenia, Armenia, Georgia, Ireland, Greece and Malta. Facilitators included Carla Ramona and Tatiana Lomsadze and entire logistical arrangements including vegetarian sentient food was made by Shambhu Sharan and his team. The enthusiasm of the youth was remarkable.
October 24,2023 Radio Talk Show at WNHH with Peter Bass. , New Haven Independent.
October 15,2023 Spirituality and the Science of Kiirtan , at 113 Meadows Street, East Haven, Conn.
October 13,2023 Review of Resource Materials for GK Learning Centers in India by Dr Kathleen Kesson, Dr Rekha Gregory, Linda Baker and Didi Ananda Devapriya.
October 9,16,23rd,2023 at Lyrics Hall Theatre, 827 Whalley Ave., New Haven, Conn. USA – Monday evenings 7-9pm “Philosophy, Meditation, and Enchanting Stories” by Dada Shambhushivananda; Host John Cavaliere.
Sept.29-Oct 2,2023 Weekend retreat with Dada Shambhushivananda at 7430, Islandview, Washago, ON Canada. Meditation sessions at Ottawa and Montreal.
September 21-27th, 2023 in Asheville, USA . Gurukula Staff Meeting to discuss the opportunities and collaborations for the fulfillment of the mandate of Gurukula as envisioned by its founder Shrii P. R. Sarkar.
September 16,2023 “Designing “Eco-lovers in Action” project for youth exchanges in collaboration with NGO’s in Turkey, Malta, Hungary, Bulgaria and Sweden. The project is being submitted to the national Agency in Sweden for implementation in 2024.
September 14,2023 Prabhat Samgiita Divas in Hanoi, Vietnam. Dada Shambhushivananda sings Prabhat Samgiita and speaks on that occasion on “The Specialities of Prabhat Samgiita”.
Sept 8-11th, 2023 NERI Board Meeting and School Inspection in Den Bosch , Netherlands
September 7th, 2023 Inaugural Issue of Neohumanist Review (journal) Unveiled on Gurukula Foundation Day. . Dr. Shambhushivananda speaks to the children of Chitmu School at a special function in Cakradhuri.
August 13,2023 Kids Yoga Teachers Training by Rutger Tamminga sponsored by AMAYE. 70 attended.
August 10,2023 Audio version of Mystic Verses prepared by Robin Manoli and available at: or write to:
August 1,2023 AMAYE (Ananda Marga Association of Yoga Educators) Coordination Meeting with MJ Glassman, Dada Premamayananda, Jinanatman, Acarya Kamaleshvar, Rudramohan, Radha Gusain, Citra’ (Vietnam), Acarya Vishvamitra, and Dada Shambhushivananda.
July 13-17,2023. CNS-Sweden is pleased to host a gathering of educators, parents, students and youth to share diverse perspectives on “Transformative Learning and Higher Consciousness” from July 13-17th, 2023 at Gamla Skolan, Ydrefors, Sweden. Cost: 200 euros/ 2000 sek to cover food, lodging and ancillary expenses.The conference will facilitate experience of deep meditation for those engaged in education. The parents, teachers, students and youth will all greatly benefit from this event which will be participated by Didi Ananda Devapriya, Marilyn Mehlmann, Yolande Koning, Emma Nimbekar, Acharya Sadananda, Dada Shambhushivananda and Didi Anandabhadra.
The payments can also be made to CNS-Sweden account at Vimmerby Sparbank, IBAN : SE35 8000 0840 1200 3569 4223 BIC: SWEDSESS . Preregistration and payments deadline June 30, 2023.
June 21,2023 Yoga Day celebrations held at Anandanagar by Ananda Marga Gurukula. Chitmu Gurukula Learning Centre children gave a wonderful performances from 7.30am to 9am. Dr. Shambhushivananda, Mrs Radha Gusain, and Maheshji coordinated the program. Ananda Marga Children home children also gave demonstrations. Ac. Aniirvanananda Avt, Rector Master was the chief guest on the occasion.
Visit to proposed Burari School in NE New Delhi and to the Noida Plot designated for service activities. Courtesy of: Mrs Surjeet Saxenaji and Shri Rakesh Ranjanji.
June 14-21,2023 Off line Contact with students of “Yogapathy Course: Philosophy, Practices and Cures” meet at Cakradhuri Campus, Anandanagar, P.O. Chitmu Dist Purulia, West Bengal. The six-month course began on March 22,2023 and is being coordinated by Mrs. Radha Gusain from New Delhi.
May 14,2023 Neohumanist Education Teachers Orientation at Cakradhuri, AMGK Campus. Forty teachers and students attended the seminar held at the newly constructed Reception Center Hall. Fourteen students of Chitmu school made some presentations too. Dr. Shambhushivananda was the key speaker and trainer.
May 2-May 30,2023 Neohumanist Education Online Kids Summer Camp (5-11 years) led by Pranav and Ritu of Bangalore , India. Tel: 9611605326 .
April 25-30,2023 Ananda Marga Gurukula School of Health Sciences at Anandanagar offered a five day certificate course on “Holistic Model of Health”. Dr Shambhushivananda as the Kulapati (Chancellor) of AMGK inaugurated the elementary course and distributed certificates to the participants at the end of the course. 40 students took the course. The course was conducted by Acarya Rameshvarananda Avadhuta with the help of many senior experienced teachers.
April 5th onwards Dada Shambhushivananda arrives at Anandanagar Campus to inspect and support the GK progress at Gopal and Mohan Anandanagar. Learning Journey to Fossil Hill in Bhaeravi AN with twenty children of the Chitmu Gurukula School on April 8,2023. Despite unusual temperatures of 40 degrees C, the children attend the school from 6am to 9am. A fresh set of school uniforms were distributed to students attending the school on a regular basis through the courtesy of May Fashions (Mumbai).
March 30-May 18,2023 A Course on Introduction to Neohumanist Philosophy by Didi Ananda Devapriya. Offered via
March 16-19,2023 Dada Shambhushivananda meets with meditators in Delaware and East Haven, Conn. USA and provides individual instructions to those interested in meditation. Welcome to Rohit & family, John, Ed, Jason, Jared, Steve, Patrick, Carlos, Amelia, Genet, Janiris, Iishika and a dozen others for joining our events.
March, 2023 : A six month course on “Yogapathy: Philosophy, Practices and Cures” will begin April,2023 and last till end of September,2023.Being conducted by Mrs Radha Gusain.
February 23-25,2023 Annual Neohumanist Teachers Training Seminar in Den Bosch, Netherlands with the participation of Neohumanist teachers from around Europe. Among trainers are Didi Ananda Devapriya, Ac.Kamaleshvar, Vishvashanti, Daan Van Deursen, John Dakpo and many others.
January 26,2023 Organizing meeting to launch a journal Neohumanist Review in order to provide an outlet for neohumanist researchers and scholars to share their cutting edge knowledge using the lens of neohumanist philosophy as applied to natural and social sciences and all other disciplines enriched by the contributions of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Among those participating in the discussions were Shambhushivananda, Craig Runde, Arete Brim, Sid Jordan, Michael Towsey, Sucharit Katyal, Richard Maxwell, Rodrigo Bazua, Guruvati, Prabhakar T. Överland, Avishek Ranjan, Radha Gusain, Vartika Jain and others. The journal will be the voice of the academic-council (Mahasamiti) of AMGK University headquartered at Anandanagar, WB, India.
January 25, 2023 Visit of architect and engineer Netragaonkarji and Ram Naresh Singhji to Gurukula Cakradhuri main campus in order to plan the completion of main Cakradhuri Building.
January 13, 2023 Interview of Dr. Dada Shambhushivananda by Amit Paul from Rekjavik (Iceland) for “Wisdom Series Podcasts.”
January 1, 2023 Meeting of Neohumanist Educators at Gurukula Cakradhuri Campus at Anandanagar at 10.30-11.30am. Jackets Distribution to needy children of Chitmu Gurukula School at Reception Center of AMGK at Cakradhuri Campus at 10am-10.30am. Blankets donated by Neohumanist Centre (Chandigarh) were distributed to needy persons associated with AMGK.
January 1, 2023 Release of Gurukula Network 55th issue.
December 31, 2022. A Class on Gurukula by Dada Shambhushivananda with those interested to know more about Gurukula at Cakradhuri, Gopal Anandanagar at 10.30am-12am.
December 20, 2022 PODCAST: Sarkar Game 20th Anniversary Revisit by Peter Hayward, Sohail Inayatullah and Dada Shambhushivananda.
December 15-16, 2022 ETC (Education Training Camp) classes by Dada Shambhushivananda on Neohumanist Education at Central Jagriti, Anandanagar.
December 7, 2022 Shri Kishore Jain from UK and Vyanjana Anand (Bettiah, Bihar, India) hosts Shambhushivananda for an online interview Part-2 on behalf of “Devalaya”.
December 7, 2022 Interview for a Podcast by Narada Muni of Australia on “Spiritual Inspiration”.
December 2, 2022 The Role of Ethics and Spirituality in Designing Sustainable Futures by Dr Dada Shambhushivananda , Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, International Islamic University, Kualalumpur, Malaysia to commemorate UNESCO World Futures Day.
November 29, 2022 Visit To Anandanagar for Inspection and review of progress of Gurukula Cakradhuri Campus, Guridih Agricultural College Campus, Gurukula Chitmu Primary School, Fine Arts College and Faculty of Health Sciences in Gopal Anandanagar.
November 27, 2022 Conference on Neohumanism hosted by Dr Jai Shankar Atreya, Meerut, India. Dr. Shambhushivananda would be the chief speaker at the conference. Navneet Niklas Singh (Sweden),Jan Wnukowski (Sweden/Poland) and John Cavieliere (USA) were the guests of honor.
November 2, 2022 Online Interview of Dr. Shambhushivananda hosted by Mainjari Nidhi and Vyanjana Anand from Bettiah, Bihar, India at 7pm IST/3.30pm in Stockholm.
October 30, 2022 Spiritual Dancing function at Ormängsgätan 32a Hässelby from noon to 3pm followed by collective meditation and a spiritual discourse and potluck dinner.
October 9-10, 2022 Shambhushivananda visits Copenhagen PROUT headquarters and meets with Sunrise School children and teachers.
October 3-8, 2022 Kulapati Visits Den Bosch Neohumanist School & NERI HQ in Netherlands. A meeting of the board was held to review plans for Teachers Training Institute at the sports hall being newly acquired by Zonnelicht.
September 3, 2022 Special Meditation session with new initiates at Dodge Villa in East Haven Conn.
August 22, 2022 Sarah Dove hosted a conversation and meditation with Dada Shambhushivananda at her home in Mystic, Conn. Mr. John Cavaliere of New Haven arranged the event which several couples attended.
August 21, 2022 NERI hosts a talk on “Inner Peace” by Dr. Shambhushivananda at Dodge’s Villa, 113 Meadows Street East Haven, Conn. 06512 at 4.00pm.
August 14-16th, 2000 Celebrating the inauguration of “Neohumanist College of Asheville” at Marshall, North Carolina. Dr Shambhushivananda visits the Prout Research Institute and NHCA. NHCA nurtures Compassion, Curiosity and Community. An introduction to NHE Teacher Preparation Course led by Dr. Kathleen Kesson. Neohumanist Teachers Education Preparation Course led by Dr. Kathleen Kesson is being conducted through NHCA (Neohumanist College of Asheville). A global review was held on August 10th-11th, 2022 and a future plan of action is being chalked out. Interested persons may refer to the website
August 5, 2022 Meeting of “Gurukula Global Foundation” at 14 Brook St. Shrewsbury, Mass. 01545. Collective Meditation at 100 Highland Ave. Arlington, Mass. 02476
July 23-26, 2022 Meditations led by Dada Shambhushivananda in Toronto, Canada. Among participants included Nirmal, Viveka, Aditya, Hassaan, Divyajyoti, Ranjie, Zahida, Roopali, Amit, Chandu Bhai, Niraj, Anita, Sunita, Aleezah, Mita, Sonika, Calvin, Satya, Christy, Giselle, Naresh… naming ceremony conducted by Dada for Pramiila- the daughter of Vivek Wu & Alisha.
July 12, 2022. “Are suicides among youth preventable? If so, How?” Dr. Shambhushivananda spoke at a webinar via zoom conference : meeting ID 4732002163 password Yoga . 6pm IST. Organized by Ms. Vyanjana’ Anand , Diva’laya, Betiah, India. For further information: please contact +91-70700 48651.
July 1, 2022 Gurukula Network was printed in India and distributed by Ms. Radha Gusain all over the world. The digital copy is available at :
June 12, 2022 Swamiji Shambhushivananda was hosted by “Hindu Mandir of Stockholm” in Helenelund where he gave a one hour talk on “The Essence of Spirituality.” Over seventy persons attended the talk and were greatly benefited by his discourse.
June 3-5, 2022 Yogiis Academy affiliated to Ananda Marga Gurukula hosted a special three day workshop in Torino, Italia. Dada Shambhushivananda gave three classes on Gurukula: History and Legacy, Mantra Sha’stra and Shiva’s Wisdom. Over 20 students are attending the courses offered by the Yogiis Academy in Italia.
May 29, 2022 Dr. Shambhushivananda participated in a Collective Meditation organized by Hanoi Unit in Vietnam and gave a talk on ” The Spiritual Path” afterwards for one hour.
May 15, 2022 Dr Shambhushivananda speaks on “Five Aspects of Taraka Brahma” on the centennial birth anniversary of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar.
February 22, 2022 Inauguration of the Yogiis Academy in Italia by Dr. Shambhushivananda. It is offering a three year course and details can be found on
Prabhakar T. Överland published the second edition of his new book titled “The Cosmic Kaleidoscope” – a treatise on the Science of Mind . It has been published via Ananda Marga Gurukula in Sweden with a new ISBN number: 978-91-987632-2-5. Procure your copy here.
February 26-27, 2022 AMAYE Yoga Educators Conference. To register, write to: . Potential speakers include: Dr Shravan, Kamaleshvara, Dr. Pashupati, Rudramohan, and Didi Ananda Devapriya. Dada Shambhushivananda, Dada Vishvarupananda, Mahajyoti Glassman, Dada Premamayananda, Bro. Llyod, Sumati will also be participating.If you wish to get involved with AMAYE, you are welcome to the online meeting on 27th February,2022. Inauguration of the Conference by Dr. Shambhushivananda
January 25, 2022 Kulapati addresses RU Foundation Day Online Event on “Features of a New Renaissance”.
January 18, 2022 Completion of one year of AM Primary School near Chitmu in Gopal Anandanagar run by Ananda Marga Gurukula. The school started with a dozen children and now has over 130 attending every day.
January 3, 2022 A Talk to Global Family of Neohumanists hosted by Dada Devarainjan(Poland/ Italia).
January 2, 2022 Talk to Cadres of AMPS : “Challenges and our Responsibility”.
December 28, 2021 A special class on Five Facets of Anandanagar and Curriculum Ideas for Early Childhood Education at Anandanagar, India.
December 16th-17th, 2021 Education Training Camp Classes at Anandanagar. Talk on Anandamurtiiji’s Anandanagar and Neohumanist Education in Practice.
December 5, 2021 Hanoi Talk on “The Spirit of Meditation”
November 30, 2021 Virtual Tour of Meta-futures- GK Collaboration Initiative.
October 18, 2021 Talk to an international gathering in Panchkula on “Foundations of a Harmonious Spiritual Life” following a three hour akhanda kiirtan. Dada Shambhushivananda also conducted a spiritual wedding of Divya Thakur and Raghav Maheshwari on October 21, 2021.
October 11, 2021 Meditation Group led by Mikael Söderstrom and Dada Shambhushivananda in Stockholm. Talk by Dada on “Science of Meditation”. Twenty young persons attended.
October 10, 2021 CNS-Sweden in Ydrefors. Class by Dr. Shambhushivananda on “Seven S’s of Spirituality”.
October 3, 2021 NERI Head Office at 113 Meadow St. East Haven, Conn. Talk by Dada Shambhushivananda on “The Path of Aesthetics”. 15 attended.
September 30,2021 Presentation at the Launching of IIUM (Malaysia) UNESCO Chair of Future Studies:Anticipation of Sustainability and Wellbeing by Dr. Shambhushivananda, Chancellor, Gurukul International (Sweden).
August 29,2021 Spiritual Discourse on “Nature of Cosmic Reality” at Ananda Marga Meditation Centre at Krukmakargatan 27, Stockholm.
August 28,2021 Online class to Croatia gathering at Ananda Bandhu MU by Dada Shambhushivananda on “Three Facets of Transformation”.
August 25,2021 Discussion on “Value and Money” with members of Legacy17 Network members.
August 22,2021 Online Spiritual Discourse to Hanoi (Vietnam) spiritual aspirants.
August 3,2021 Introduction to Neohumanist Education to the staff and teachers of Iceland School in Reykjavik.
August 3,2021 Webinar on “Ananda Marga Philosophy” hosted by Jyoti Ranjan (Hazaribagh, , UPYF, Jharkhand, India)
July 16-18,2021 Online Seminar for Bhubaneshvar Circle. Trainer: Ac. Shambhushivananda Avt. Topics covered included Matter and Spirit; PRAMA; Dialectical Materialism and Democracy, Organisational Class. Dada gave 16 hours of seminar classes during three days.
July 3,2021 Introduction to Neohumanist Education . Host: Prof. Praween Singh Khuswaha.
July 2,2021 Class given to Malaysian/Singapore students on “Impact of Spiritual Practices on the Layers of the Mind”.
June 21,2021 Benefits of Yoga and Meditation to the Legal Fraternity Host: Pranav, Orrisa.
Today, one hundred and fifty children are enrolled in Gurukul Experimental Primary School in Chitmu, Gopal Anandanagar where children learn about body, the flora and fauna, local geography, unknown history of the area, can speak some samskrta, have learnt over thirty songs (and dance) of Prabhat Samgiita, practice yoga warmups, do drama, make animal sounds and have lots of fun in cooperative games. Children can say ‘thankyou’ in about thirty world languages.
May 26,2021 Under the tutelage of Dr. Shambhushivananda, the children from Gurukul School in Gopal Anandanagar sang Prabhat Samgiita at a function in Madhu-Karnika in Central Anandanagar. School dress provided to 100 students of Gurukula School. A film titled “Embodiment of Bliss” prepared by PRSI (P R Sarkar Institute) of Ananda Marga Gurukula was shown globally to over 400 delegates from around the world on the occasion of first birth centenary celebration of Shrii P.R.Sarkar- the founder of neohumanist movement. The film was produced by Dada Gunamuktananda and introduced to the audience by Dr. Shambhushivananda- Chancellor (Kulapati) of AMGK.
May 23,2021 Dharma Discourse by Dr. Dada Shambhushivananda at the Surabaya Meditation Group (Indonesia).
May 18,2021 Dr Shambhushivananda speaks on PROUT Futures at the Utilisation Training Camp of Proutist Universal (India)
May 17,2021 Dr. Shambhushivananda conducts two sessions on Neohumanist Education.
May 16,2021 NHE Summer Online Camp for Children. Special session led by Shambhushivananda.
March 14,2021 Centennial Lecture by Shambhushivananda for Berlin Sector. Hosted by Didi Ananda Harimaya.
Ludhiana,Punjab, India February 20-21,2021 Classes on ” PROUT, PRAMA, Science of Meditation, Contributions of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiiji, and Organizational Structure of Gurukula” at a state-wide seminar.
Centennial Year Lecture at Renaissance Universal Club in Bhubaneshvar, Odisha, India February 13,2021 Theme: “The Global Renaissance and Shri P.R.Sarkar.”
Acarya Shambhushivananda was a key note speaker at the RAWA IKON and Renaissance Universal Foundation Day Conference in Ranchi on January 25th, 2021. “New Renaissance”- a collection of all Presidential RU speeches of Shrii P R Sarkar was released on the occasion.
Trainers Seminar Review Class by Dada Shambhushivananda for New York Sector workers hosted by Dada Abhiramananda Sectorial Secretary, NY Sector. January 18,2021
January 18,2021 A primary school started in Chitmu, Gopal Anandanagar by Dr Shambhushivananda from 7am to 10am. Building renovated and two local assistant teachers teach over 50 children daily from Monday to Saturday.
Podcast hosted by Peter Hayward (Australia) on January 13th,2021. Dr Shambhushivananda spoke on “Neohumanist Futures” for the futures and foresight community around the world.
The biannual report of AMGK was read out before an august assembly at Anandanagar in the presence of Acharya Vishvadevananda Avadhuta, Purodha Pramukha by Dr Shambhushivananda, Kulapati, AMGK.
January 1, 2121 Issue#51 of Gurukula Network published and distributed all over the world.
December 28,2020 Talk on “Morality is the base, Intuitional Science is the way and Life Divine is the goal” to a gathering in Mexico via zoom. Translation into Spanish. Seven S’s of Spirituality were explained. Saḿyam,Sadhana, Seva, Svadhaya, Satsaunga, Samkalpa, Samarpan..leading unto Siddhis and Samadhi.
December 16-17 ETC(Education Training Camp) Classes by Dr Shambhushivananda on Neohumanist Education in the Post-Pandemic Era. 135 neohumanist teachers from all over India attended the classes.
December 16,2020 Role of Indigenous Medicines in the Pandemic Era, A Conclave Hosted by Dr.Radhakrishnanan and Suresh Unnithan of Kerela (India). Dr Steve Landau (USA) and Dr Shambhushivananda (Chancellor of Anandanagar Gurukula) represented AM Gurukula and emphasised the need to adopt multi-therapy approach in every hospital and need for intensive reseach on a new scientific paradigm —Microvita that brings together the subatomic structures anujiivat and the role of intuition with in the periphery of scientific study.
December 11-14, 2020 “Neohumanist Solutions for a World in Crisis”. A global online conference with over 70 presenters and over thirty lively interactive sessions involving leading neohumanist thought leaders, youth, practitioners and the general public from all continents. For registration, please write to: . For further details, please consult the website . Close to 700 participants from 77 countries already pre-registered.
Recordings will be on YouTube but unadvertised. If you look at the program schedule page
December 4,2020 Dr Shambhushivananda speaks to South Asia Sectorial Conference via zoom. Hosted by: Dada Siddeshvarananda, Dada Premamayananda and Didi Ananda Shubhada.
November 19-21,2020 Asian Pacific Futures Network online conference on ” Regenerating Asia 2050″ . Speech during the Closing Session by Dr. Dada Shambhushivananda
November 3,2020 Webinar on Neohumanist Education with Mahajyoti for NY Sectorial Conference. Host: Dada Satyamitrananda (Norway).
November 2,2020 Podcast on ” The Lovetoday Podcast”
October 22,2020 A webinar on “The Spiritual Path” by Acarya Shambhushivananda Avt. for Indian audience (in Hindi/English) Hosted by Ac.Hariishananda Avadhuta.
September 6th Global Online Sharing on the eve of 30th anniversary of AMGK. The session was recorded and can be viewed at <> . Among speakers included Dr Sohail Inayatullah, Dr Kathleen Kesson, Dr Marcus Bussey, Dr Michael Towsey, Dr Rudolph, Dr Sid Jordan, Dr Ravi Batra, Dr Edward McKenna, Dr. Howard Nemon, Khun Krisada Kampanatsanyakorn, Rutger Tamminga, Didi Ananda Devapriya, Dr. Sunandita Bhowmik, Linda Baker, Dr Vartika Jain, Prof Shravan Kumar, Dr.Ram Nath Jha, Dr Jyoshna Trobe, Dada Vishvarupananda, Dr Sucharit Katyal, Dr. Richard Maxwell and others.
August 15,2020 Discussion on National Education Policy of India from the neohumanist perspective. Webinar.
July 26,2020 An Ayurveda College was started at Anandanagar under the leadership of Niel Mozumder under the inspiration of Dr Shambhushivananda and with assistance from Yoga Acarya Brahmabuddhyananda and Pracetananda Avadhuta.
July 21,2020 A webinar class by Dr. Shambhushivananda on ” Spiritual Journey” hosted by Dr. Sunandita Bhowmik.
July 15, 2020 Plantations and Herbariums at Anandanagar: A Special Report by Dr. Shambhushivananda. Filmed by Garima.
July 11,2020 8-9.30pm (IST) Webinar by Dr. Shambhushivananda on “An Overview of AMGK and Neohumanist Education” hosted by Mr. Japesh jain (Noida), India.
July 8,2020 Dr Shambhushivananda publishes an article on : “Anandanagar: An Educational Township of the Future”. Available from
July 5,2020 New book published: Towards a Brighter Future by Ácárya Shambhúshivánanda Avadhúta, AM Gurukula Publications, Ydrefors, Sweden. Printing by Thompson Press (India).
July 4,2020 Dr. Shambhushivananda introduces the global headquarters campus of Ananda Marga Gurukula at Anandanagar through this video clip. . Video film by Garima.
June 11-18,2020 Yoga Educators Workshop guided by Dr Steven Landau, MD and Yoga Ácárya of USA cancelled due to COVID 19 scare.
A Video from Anandanagar: Episode 3 shows interview with Dr Shambhushivananda
June 1,2020 Construction at Gurukula Cakradhuri at Anandanagar in full swing. Gate completed. Boundary wall work started. Bro. Mahesh joins as Administrative Assistant. SSAC (Spiritualists Sports and Adventurers Club) chapter formed at Guridihi, Ananandanagar. Volleyball Court prepared for thirty five youths on the Gurukula campus at Guridih. Yoga Day instructions given to forty enthusiastic youths of Gurudih Village at Anandanagar on June 21,2020.
May,2020 P R Sarkar Museum at the Neohumanist Center, Taichung, Taiwan.
Gurukula Network Issue #50 published and available for reading at:
March,2020 Dr. Shambhushivananda speaks to faculty members and students of Khon Kaen University of NE Thailand and supports workshop on Blissful Child led by Rutger Tamminga of Netherlands-Taiwan in Chandigarh and Noida, India.
January1,2020 Wedding of Micheal Söderstrom and Amala at the Ydrefors new year gathering attended by over a hundred spiritual aspirants and friends from all over europe. It was conducted in the Gurukula Chapel Hall upstairs. New Year Celebrations started with kiirtan and reading of new year message called Vanii in over thirty languages.
Gurukula Network #49
December 28th,2019 New Years Spiritual Festival at CNS Campus in Ydrefors, Sweden. Attended by 90 persons.
November-December,2019 Research for the book: Towards a Brighter Future by Dr Shambhushivananda.
August,2019 Gurukula Office set up in Stockholm c/o Dr. Satish Chander Kohli, Aprikosgatan B 1, Lgh 1001, Hässelby 165 60. Regular weekly meditation and gurukula study-circle.
Global Conference on Neohumanist Awakening: Educating for a Bright Future will be held in Salorno, North Italia from July 12-17th,2019. Interested participants may contact for further details or register via
Gurukula Network #48
Mid summer will be celebrated at CNS campus in Ydrefors, Sweden like every year from June 21-23rd,2019.
June 8,2019 Talk by Dr Shambhushivananda “On Spiritual Journey” at New Haven, Conn. organised by NERI (Neohumanist Education Resource Institute).
June 1,2019 Meditation Workshop led by Dr Shambhushivananda in Toronto (Canada).
May 25,2019 Seminar at Neohumanist College of Asheville in Marshall, NC (USA) led by Dr Sid Jordan and Dr Shambhushivananda.
Dr Shambhushivananda invited to speak at the “World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Disasters Risk Reduction” organized by JNUniversity and National Institute of Disaster Management of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India) from March 11-13,2019 in New Delhi . He spoke on “Prama-Trikon’a and The Path of Resilience- a Neohumanist perspective”. His talk included in the book on Artificial Intelligence and Disaster Studies published by Springer.
Dr Shambhushivananda invited for workshops in Hanoi, Vietnam; Australia, Denpasar (Bali, Indonesia) and Netherlands from December 2018- February,2019.
New Years Spiritual Kiirtan Festival was held from Dec 27-January 1st,2019 and over 120 persons attended the same.
Gurukula Network # 47
Midsummer Life Style Training (June 21-27,2018) and a regular course on Yoga Psychology is being offered at CNS-Sweden in Ydrefors. Those interested to participate may kindly write to or Priyatosha at
Dr. Shambhushivananda will represent CNS at the Conference on “Training Youth for a Neohumanist Society” to be held in Taiwan at Ananda Jyoti, Shimen, (Qianhua Bus Stop) north of Taipei from July 13-17,2018. Participants are expected from many countries. He will also address Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference on “Technology and Spirituality during Uncertain Times” in Bangkok, Thailand on August 28-29th,2018.
Dr Shambhushivananda conducted workshops in Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Phillipines, India and Taiwan.
Gurukula Network #46
Dec 27-January1,2018 Annual Kiirtan was attended by 120 persons. The program concluded with a talk by Ac.Shambhushivananda and a film of the founder Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiiji and reading of New Years message in over 30 languages.
July 5,12,19,26th Festival in Ydrefors Camp Grounds. CNS Ground permitted to the local association for parking for those days.
Mid summer Bliss Program June 21-24th.
Easter Regional Retreat
January 26,2017 Open house held by Migrationsverket in Stockholm. CNS-Sweden represented by Dr S.C.Kohli
New Years Annual Akhanda Kiirtan for several days.
Smoothy Weekends and the Detox program . For more info. contact Madhava 076-4123255.
June 20-July 2,2016 Welcome to the Annual Midsummer Bliss Retreat and a Special two weeks Spiritual Life Style Yoga Intensive led by our special guest: Dr. Acharya Shambhushivananda Avadhuta. Coordinator: Madhava +46-76-4123255 and Linus +46-73-5421790 Local Organizers: Acharya Harikrpananda Avt.; Acharya Ragamayananda Avt.
It was indeed blissful to have the enthusiastic participation of Didi Ananda Bhadra, Madhava, Ramanuja, Tommy Moore, Anders, Andreas, Daniel, Maheshvari, Manatosh ,Liilamayii & their children, Amala, Vijayadevii, Bhaerava and his friends, Keval Kumar, Rohit, Claudio, Lotta,Dari, Turiya, trainee brother, Crystal ,Estal…….and above all resident Dadas of the Training Centre. Classes were given by our chief guest : Dada Shambhushivananda.
February 25th,2016 Dada Shambhushivananda shares the philosophy behind the yogic path in Bjurholmsplan 31 Stockholm 6pm-8pm.
October24-25,2015 Yoga & Spiritual Life Style Weekend- Bliss Cafe, Stockholm. Coordinator Madhava 076-4123255
September 12th Prabhat Samgiita Day Celebration by Shantanu Pyne.
July 11-16,2015 CNS-Sweden co-sponsors the Conference on “Neohumanism in Action Now: Educating for a Compassionate and Sustainable Future” to be held in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. for details, consult
June 21,2015 International Yoga Day for Peace and harmony.
May 4,2015 Establishing PRSI: P.R. Sarkar Institute to serve as the repository of the intellectual legacy of the founder of AMGK. <> PR Sarkar Museum is being planned in Taichung, Taiwan.
Easter Conference April 3-6th,2015 Spirit-inspired Leadership. Dr. Shambhushivananda gave special classes on Mind and Spirituality and Prabhakar spoke on Managing the Inner Space.

March 20-22 “Yoga Weekend” with Special Guest Dada Shambhushivananda for introducing yogic-life-style. Coordinator: Linus Lundkvist +46-73-5421790 and Madhava.
January 1,2015 Mobilising for a Self-Reliant Scandinavia coordinated by Dadaji Krsnasevananda , Divyajyoti, Ole Brekke, Prem, Arun, Susan, Aniirvan of PROUT Nordic Alliance.
Dec 30,2014 Prabhat Samgiita Workshop led by Santanu Pyne.
Dec 27, 2014-January 1st,2015 New Years Spiritual Gathering, Dancing & Festivities.
20 December,2014 Seminar on “From Empathy to Spirituality” led by Dr Shambhushivananda
October-November,2014 Dr Shambhushivananda carries the message of Neohumanism to Asia (India, Taiwan, Thailand , Malaysia & Singapore).
July,2014 Professor Edward McKenna available for a mini-course on “PROUT & Balanced Economics”. The venue shall be Ananda Gaorii Master Unit in Vig, Denmark. Interested particpants may contact : or .The Global PROUT Conference shall be from July 18th to 23rd followed by Prout Activists Training also at the Master Unit in Vig, Denmark.
June 28,2014- Michael Rokvist of Vingaland leads a workshop on “Applying Permaculture Principles in Ydrefors Gardens”. Niclas Hagstrom made an informative presentation on “Insects and role they play in our world economy”.
June 24-26,2014- CNS-Sweden (Ydrefors) represents at the Summer Seminar organised by RCE (Regional Center of Expertise)-University West at Ed, Sweden on ” Regional Sustainability “.
June 22,2014- One day seminar on “Inner and Outer Ecology-Tools for Neohumanist Awareness” by Dr Marcus Bussey & Dr Shambhushivananda of CNS-Sweden hosted by Zonnelicht, Den Bosch,The Netherlands.
Spring Meditation Retreat April 17-21 ,2013 Please contact Dada Sarvajiitananda at
Swami Shambhushivananda gave a series of talks at the Stockholm Hindu Mandir on different Sundays at 1:00-2:00 pm. : Mysticism in Bhagwat Gita; Bhagwat Dharma; Forms of Worship; Yoga-Sadhana; Relevance of Ashtaunga Yoga for Brahma Jinana in the modern age; and, Tantric Diks’a & Self Realization.
Dr.Shambhushivananda makes the keynote speech at the Venezuela Neohumanist Education Conference for South Americas. April 18-23rd in Caracas. Gives a series of lectures to Pedagogical University, International School of Caracas, etc.
Dr.Marcus Bussey presents the webinar on “The Evolution of Consciousness”
Dr Shambhushivananda gives interview to The Daily Pennsylvanianin January,2014.
Dr. Shambhushivananda completes a world tour touching S.Korea,Thailand, India, Ghana, Togo, Iceland, Netherlands, Croatia,Finland, Belarussia, Canada, USA… and shares the message of neohumanist education with the world. In April, he will address the NHE Conference in Venezuela.
December 18th,2013 First Gurukul Webinar on “Towards a Blissful Future“ Presented by Dr. Shambhushivananda
Ongoing courses on YOGA BioPsychology and Sentient Life Style by Dr. Shambhushivananda Avadhuta & Ac. Sarvajiitananda Avadhuta.
September 14,2013 Prabhata Samgiita Competition
July 18-19,2013 Workshop on “Spiritual Philosophies” by Dr. Aditya Mohanty.Prof. Mohanty is the author of over a dozen books on different aspects of Spiritual Philosophies. He is currently the Head of Center of Advanced Studies in Philosophy at Utkal University, Bhubaneshvar, India and Vidya Pratinidhii of Philosophy Faculty of Ananda Marga Gurukula.
Global NHE Summit held in Ydrefors, Sweden in July 14-18th,2013
Khun Krisada speaks to the participants on how to build a sustainable world utilizing his innovative technologies. NHESummit2013
This historic summit attempted to bring together all the leading neo-humanist & progressive educators from around the world as we delve deeper into the forces shaping the educational spaces of the future.
Besides hosting several interesting parallel workshops from participants, the summit addressed some of the issues like:
• How can education contribute towards Enlightened Leadership via rejuvenation of values based on a scholarly & creative peep into the history of moral advancement & neo-ethics of multilateral salvation?
• How can education serve as a nurturing agency for enhancement of “Joy and holistic–health”-a variant theme of Inner Ecology.
• How can educational systems serve the cause of “Right Livelihoods & Enhanced Quality of Life”; utilize science, technology and ecological awareness to improve the life for the common people on this planet; build sustainable habitats and neo-humanist futures for one and all. Khun Krisada Kampanatsanyakorn will be among those who will lead this conversation.
• What are the visions for “Building alternative educational-spaces” where humanity can reunite in spirit & action and what role can progressive- educators, activists & social-entrepreneurs play in nurturing such initiatives?
Among celebrated speakers were included: Khun Krisada Kampantsanyakorn, Marilyn Mehalmann, Cynthia Lazaroff, Marilyn Cooper, Eric Jacobson, Dr. Marcus Bussey, Dr.Sid Jordan, Henk de Weijer, Tang Taminga, Didi Ananda Rama, Didi Devapriya, Dada Shankarsananda, Christian F and many more..
In addition, GAP International shared the experience of “Learning for Change Methodologies”.
July 12-13th Pre-Conference AMGK/NHE Core Group Annual Meeting
June 21-23rd Mid Summer Festival
May 25-26th Ananda Purnima 12 hrs.akhanda kiirtan & Festivities
April 6-7,2013 Theatre in Education Workshop led by Ole Brekke, Commedia School, Copenhagen
Easter Meditation Retreat ..all welcome ! March 29-April 1st
Feb-March Yoga Class in Vimmerby (Studieforbundet Vuxenskolan) led by Bro. Devarainjan & Sister Madhurii. Every Sunday at 18.00-19.30.Tel. 0492-10707 or Bro. Sukhadeva 0492-80046
January 2-4,2013 PROUT Workshop (Continuation) by Prabhakar
December 27 8.30pm-January 1st,2013 8.30 am New Years Festival(108 hours round-the-clock kiirtan)
December 1- 2,2012 “Institution Building & Leadership Training” Workshop
November 13,2012 Diipavali Celebration
October 22-23rd : PROUT Workshop by Prabhakar
October 20th-21st— Saturday Prabhat Samgiita Session & Akhanda Kiirtan Sunday 9 Hours Akhanda Kiirtan 6.10am-15.10 pm.
October 6-7th,2012 (Postponed) Theatre in Education Workshop led by Ole Brekke
Sept 14,2012 Prabhat Samgiita Competition
Sixth Annual International Yoga Educators Conference of AMAYE (Ananda Marga Association of Yoga Educators) was held from 18 July-22nd July,2012 again in Ydrefors, Sweden. Certificates were given to participants by Ananda Marga Gurukula. For details, please consult or write to . YEC was followed by a Homeopathic workshop by Dada Shantimaya.
AMURT Training: One Month Workshop organized by AMURT International Network . CNS- Sweden will host it in Ydrefors in June,2012. Pre-registration is compulsory for this event and open to serious participants. Trainers included Divyajyoti, Sarita, Paul, Dada Vishvarupananda, Dada Nirmalkrsnananda, Dada Unmantrananda and certificates were awarded to participants.
Mid-summer Retreat June 22-24th,2012
Founders’ (Baba’s) birthday Celebration: May 6th,2012
Easter Scandinavian Meditation Retreat April 6-9th,2012
Three-days Workshop on : Understanding Today’s Economic Crisis by Govinda (Stockholm) and Dada Shambhushivananda (Ydrefors) date to be announced later and expected to be in February-March,2012 Three Day Seminar on Economic Reality First Day: The Fundamentals of Prout The purpose of this part of the program is to introduce to the participants the fundamental principles of prout from which all policy suggestions are based. The advantage of this approach is that the situation in the world constantly change, and a policy that might be useful in one situation, may not be so in another. Therefore, simply memorizing a list of policy suggestions will not help when a proutist is faced with a new situation. If the fundamental principles are well understood, then each new situation can be analyzed based on these principles, and the right policy for the moment discovered. Second Day: Understanding The Financial System This is a one day workshop to explain the working of the world financial system. In essence, it is a simulation of the world economy on a kitchen table scale, which will open up the eyes of all participants to how the financial system really works. Be prepared to be surprised! Things are not always as they seem! Third Day: Understanding the World Economic System After discussing the financial system, this workshop expands the topic to explain the rest of the world economic system. Why is the capitalist system so successful? How does it produce so much goods? Where will the European Sovereign Debt Crisis lead us? Is there any possibility for a small community to opt out of the system? If you like to get some real answers, join the workshop!
New Years Festival December 28th,2011 – Akhanda kiirtan (Spiritual Dancing) started at 3.00pm and lasted till January 1st,2012 9.00am. Cultural Evening was held on December 31st evening and a marriage ceremony of Divyamurtii David and Asiima Elaine Timmers was held on January 1, 2012 at 11am in the Gurukula Chapel Hall upstairs. . November 13, 2011 Yoga Class began in Vimmerby by Sister Shivanii (Every Sunday 4-5.00 pm). For details , please contact Anna Karin c/o 0492-10707 October 21-22,2011- Meditation and Kiirtan Retreat
White House was purchased in Ydrefors to serve as a guest house for seminars and events held regularly at Gamla Skolan and Gurukula Campus. The renovations were carried out by Shankar over the next few years. A new roof was placed. Jyotirekha from Brazil began to use the White House for yoga classes, psychological counseling and public outreach.
The New Years Festival Kiirtan will take place from December 28- January 2nd, 2011. Akhanda Kiirtan begins Dec 28th at 15.00 hours. Cultural evening will be held on January 1 st evening.
AMURT Workshop will be conducted by Dada Unmantrananda ,Global Coordinator of AMURT-Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team on November 20-21,2010.
TC joined the special public meeting on “Local-Sustainability” to be held in Vimmerby on November 20/30,2010 and organised by Transition Movement in Sweden and Astrid Lindgrens Hembygd (
Prabhata Samgiita Workshop on September 11-12 at Ydrefors. Gopinath won the Prabhat Samgiita competition.Sis. Shivapriya, Bro. Nirainjan, Sis. Vimocana also gave good performance in the Prabhat Samgiita quiz and performance..The power of gandharva microvita was enjoyed by all present.
Fourth Annual Yoga Educators Conference, NHE Futures Workshop by Dr, Marcus Bussey, Leadership Training Course led by Paunkaj, Theatre in Education workshop led by Ole Brekke , a week-long Microvita Seminar by Sundara (Netherlands) were some of the outstanding events held in the first part of 2010. Besides, Integral Health Center is offering training in bio-psychology and yoga therapy on a regular basis.
January 1 New Years program Jan- June A Course on “Swedish for Trainees” by Bro.Tapasvii.
50th Anniversary of PROUT “World in Transition” – Monthly Seminars Yoga, Bio Psychology & Intuitional Science & NHE Workshops
April 9-13 Easter Spiritual Retreat
April 26 Pattern Lab Workshop in Enebyberg, Stockholm
July 14-19 Third Annual Yoga Educators Conference
July 25-27 Furthering Insights into Shrii P.R. Sarkar’s Visions
Sept.12-13 Prabhat Samgiita Weekend
Dec.28-Jan.1 New Years Special Program
For more information about the latest and past events, please consult reports published in Gurukula Network at
January 1 | New Year Programme |
January 1-2 | NHE Workshop by Didi Ananda Tapomaya |
Januari 3-9 | Yoga Intensive 1 |
March 16-21 | Yoga Intensive 2 |
March 21-23 | Easter Regional Retreat |
July 14-25 | “Building Neohumanist Futures” – Global Conferences on Education for Sustainable Development, NH University and Second Annual Yoga Educators Conference |
July 21-26 | Yoga Intensive 3 |
September 12-14 | Prabhata Samgiita Retreat |
November 17-19 | Swedish Community of Learners Meet |
Dec. 28-Jan 1 | New Years Festival |
Gronkula (Green house) adjacent to Gamla Skolan was purchased in Ydrefors to serve as residence of Staff of Prashiksana Matha and to serve as the regional HQ of Ananda Marga and to serve as a Guest House to accommodate participants of workshops , seminars and the annual events. The barn was converted to serve as the Kulapati’s residence , a Gurukula library, conference hall and attic (Chapel Hall) became the sacred place for conducting weddings and social functions and a meeting room of Prabhat Samgiita Academy.
January 1 New Year Programme
January 2 Workshop: Building an Eco-Village (Master Unit) by Avtk. Ananda Prama Ac.
March 3-4 Workshop: Homeopathy, Part 2 by Tony Carlyle
April 1-8 Yoga Course Week
April 20-22 Spirituality & Psycho-Therapy by Prabhakar
April 27-29 Universal Renaissance: Opportunities & Challanges by Ac. Vedaprajinananda Avt.
May 2 Ananda Purnima Festival
June 1-12 Yoga Course Week
July 20-25 First Yoga Educators Conference held at Ydrefors.
September 8-12 Prabhát Sam’giita 25th Anniversary
October 6-7 Public-speaking workshop byTony Carlyle
December 28-January 1 New Years Festival
2006 AMAYE (Ananda Marga Association of Yoga Educators) was founded in 2006. | Founded by Dr. Shambhushivananda with its HQ at Ydrefors, Sweden. |
January 1 | New Year Cultural Programme |
January 2 | Workshop Children in Crisis: How to respond? |
January 3-5 | Meditation and Psychology Seminar |
January 14 | Circle of Love – Special concert at International Women Centre in Stockholm |
January 21-22 | Homeopathy and First Aid by Tony Carlyle |
March 23-26 | Yoga Weekend |
April 13-17 | Easter Retreat |
April 18,19 | Prout Seminar: Illusions and reality by dada Maheshvarananda |
May 13-14 | Ananda Purnima Festival |
June 3-5 | Yoga Weekend |
July 18-25 | NHE Teachers Summit |
August 9 | Shrávanii Purnima Celebration |
August 22 | Talk and Concert at International Woman Centre in Stockholm |
August 26 | ABF/Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC): Neohumanism |
September 2-3 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
September 9 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
September 14 | Prabháta Sam’giita Divasa |
September 16 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
September 23 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
September 30 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
October 7 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
October 12-16 | Examinations |
October 13 | Lecture in Stockholm |
October 16 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
October 21 | Mahaprayan Observance/Prabháta Sam’giit/YSC |
October 21-26 | Akhanda – Kiirtan (Spiritual Gathering) |
October 28 | Ydrefors Study Circle (YSC) |
November 3-5 | Yoga Weekend/New people retreat by Karunamaya Brc. |
November 18-19 | Theatre Workshop by Vishvashanti, The Commedia School, Copenhagen, Denmark |
December 27 – January 2, 2007 | New Year Festival |
A NHE workshop was conducted by Sister Miirabai (USA) & Ananda Laghima (Japan) during the summer of 2005.
Lecture by Nadia McLaren on : Challenges of Sustainable Development
Ac. Dharmavedananda Avt spoke on “Natural Therapy”
Bro. Rasabihari gave presentation on : Science of Microvita
Dada Maheshvaranandaji spoke on “PROUT- After Capitalism”
Bro. Santosh (Argentina) gave a presentation on “Master Units”
Bro. Jitendriya on “Yoga life Style”
Sister Rasamayii on “Yogic Ethics”
Didi Ananda Amoha on ” Purity & Spiritual Life”
The summer activities were interspersed with visits to local historic sites like 1000 years old Oak tree,paper mill museum,and several walks in the forest.
Yoga Educators Workshops were conducted during the year.